
Thursday 13th February 

Open Classroom Afternoon from 3:30pm 

Welcome to the Campus Travel Action Group (CTAG) update page

We will use this page to update parents and staff about progress against the Action Plan and to communicate information relating to travel and parking at the campus.

We have held several consultation events with parents and stakeholders and will continue to schedule meetings throughout the school year.

If you would like to contact the CTAG directly, please email 


Next steps (as at 10th July 2024)

We will continue working on the actions in the plan and will feedback to parents again early in T1 at school, and by updates to the websites as they occur.



  • We would like a parent with child(ren) at The Deanery to join our Campus Travel Action Group; if you are interested, please email  We already have Kingfisher representation.


  •  We will continue working with Swindon Bus and try to engage again with Stagecoach on the actions in the plan.


  • With immediate effect, drop off for students at Kingfisher will be in the area immediately outside the playground,
  • Pick up will be in the same area.
  • Parking in the disabled bays is only for those with a blue badge where the badge holder is exiting / entering the vehicle; this will be monitored and enforced.
  • There will be double yellow lines painted over the summer along all access ways; please do not park in these areas so that we can maintain access for emergency vehicles and other traffic.  This will be monitored and enforced.
  • If you have an appointment with a member of staff, please park in the area behind the MUGA and ensure you enter your registration number when signing in at reception.
  • Please do not park on the kerbs, or crossing zones on Peglars Way as this creates dangerous obstructions for traffic, and risks the safety of our pupils.
  • We will encourage students (and parents) of The Deanery to walk, cycle or use the bus where it is possible and safe to do so.


  • We will continue to work with parents to ensure that H&W and Waitrose car parks are only used by their customers and not by parents at pick up time.
  • We will update the websites with as much information as we can about the ever-changing construction landscape around the school as and when we can.


Please see the slides below that we presented at the recent CTAG Consultation event, which contains analysis of the travel surveys as well as actions against the Travel Plan.


Next steps (as at 14th May 2024)

We will continue working on the actions in the plan and will feedback to parents again early in T1 at school, and by updates to the websites as they occur.



  • We would like a parent with child(ren) at The Deanery to join our Campus Travel Action Group; if you are interested, please email  We already have Kingfisher representation.
  • We will be meeting with The Deanery students who have volunteered to join the Campus Travel Action Group in the next few weeks


  • We will continue working with Swindon Bus and try to engage again with Stagecoach on the actions in the plan.


  • We will communicate the new car park plans to all parents via MyEd, ClassCharts, Tapestry and via this website.
  • We will encourage students (and parents) of The Deanery to walk, cycle or use the bus where it is possible and safe to do so.


  • We will continue to work with parents to ensure that H&W and Waitrose car parks are only used by their customers and not by parents at pick up time.
  • We will update the websites with as much information as we can about the ever-changing construction landscape around the school as and when we can.


Please see the slides that we presented at the recent CTAG Consultation event, which contains analysis of the travel surveys as well as actions against the Travel Plan.

May 2024 Parent Consultation Meeting



Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • Peglars Way, Swindon, SN1 7DA

Telephone Number