Trust Interim Board

Thursday 13th February 

Open Classroom Afternoon from 3:30pm 

Since joining The Park Academies Trust (TPAT), governance at Kingfisher CE Academy has been led by a Trust Interim Board (TIB). The TIB is a committee of the main Board of the Trust and is accountable to the TPAT Trustees for its decisions.

Click here for Trust Structure

The TPAT Trustees have responsibility for the strategic management of the school and as such have decided that an Interim Board is necessary to ensure rapid improvement work is carried out.  Members of the board will meet regularly and work very closely with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to support and challenge whilst ensuring that all aspects of necessary school improvement work is completed to a high standard and at pace.  The TIB will become a LAB (Local Advisory Board) when the school is deemed ‘good’ and with rapid improvement work complete.

The following people are members of the Kingfisher CE Academy TIB:

Rachel Surch - Chair 

Sharon Bishop - Headteacher 

Sally Telling - Staff Member 

Mark Glennerster - Community Member 

Chris Watts - Community Member 

Governance Officer to the TIB: Stephanie Connolly

For full details of their terms of office and business/personal interests, please see the attached document.

If you have any queries in relation to the TIB, or to request copies of minutes for the TIB, please email the clerk:

Also, if you are interested in finding out more about the work of the TIB, especially if you would like to be part of its work, please email the clerk:


Document File

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Happy to answer any questions


  • Peglars Way, Swindon, SN1 7DA

Telephone Number